Sunday 24 June 2012

Our wait is OVER!

Hello readers!

We have a date!  After three years of waiting, J will receive his assessment for autism next Tuesday.  We're excited, scared, but grateful to finally get answers. It'll be the first time we go anywhere, for any length of time, without K :(. I'll keep you updated.

To be honest, I'm scared. Scared that my own lack of understanding about ASD will change how I view my child. Scared that I won't be strong when he needs me to be. I guess that I'm mostly scared that ill fail my baby. I love him, he's perfect in every way, but I'm still scared.

On another note, we heard from J's potential school.  He got in!  He's registered for the 2012-2013 school year!  I'm so happy. The school is amazing, and he likes it there. We have a meeting to flesh out some details, tomorrow morning. He'll be getting a TA, and an Individual Education Plan set in place.  The school system has evolved so much from when I was in school, especially when it comes to special-needs students. We're really excited to see what September brings.

I'm sorry for such a short post. With the nice weather, we've been outside a lot, and by the evening we're all tired. Thanks for reading!



  1. So Glad to hear the pieces are falling into place. You are going to learn so much on your journey. You are amazing. I am inspired by you.

  2. So glad he got into the school you wanted and that he is getting the testing he needs. Sounds like things are going the right way.

    1. Thanks, Shellie! All of this is such a huge weight off of our shoulders.

  3. Is your assessment one visit, two or three (we've had all three lengths)? Does your state have ABA coverage mandated?

    1. Hi Kathy! Our assessment is one visit, and we aren't in the States. Thankfully we're covered. We just have to pay a portion of the ferry.

  4. I thought about you today! I read this really interesting news story on Fox News about scientists making breakthroughs in identifying autism based on EEGs. In a study of kids as young as 2 they had done EEGs and found several autistic behaviors that showed up in the EEG. The EEGs were accurate in diagnosing autism in like 90% of cases or something. It was interesting. I hope the assessment goes well and gives you guys a definitive answer :D
