Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Life and Progress

Hi friends!
This will just be a quick one, a little update about what's going on in the wonderful world of J.
He's learned the joy of play-acting, and his newest favorites are pretending to be a dinosaur "RAWR!  I'm a dinosaur!" and pretending to fly. He pretends to talk on the phone, pretends to feed his stuffed, pretends that he's driving. He loves to try to have K play pretend too, but I think she may be a bit young for that yet. They have fun, though, so I'm not going to stop them, haha.
He's been back-talking a lot, lately. It's really hard to not get upset, but I try to approach it calmly, letting him know that he has a right to his opinion, but that he doesn't need to be rude. This is a actually a huge step, therapy-wise. It's a whole new level of comprehension. I really think he's having a developmental leap. He's "getting" things that he never got before, asking complex questions and just acting older.

Quick K update, too. She has started using a word, in the right context. The word is "more," but it comes out "mo."  So super cute. She uses it all the time, whether she wants food, drink, or anything really. She is also asking to nurse, known as "na na's" around here. She just start saying "NA" and pulling at my shirt. I think she's going to start talking more, and soon. She seems so young for it, though!  She's not even eighteen months old! We're proud parents over here. Our babies are doing so well

I hope you're all having a great week!  See you soon :-)


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