Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Stream of Consciousness

Hi friends!

J had OT yesterday. As I mentioned before, his OT is great. They have a fantastic bond, and her and I have a great relationship. She's very open with me about what she expects from him. Yesterday, we worked on writing. Writing is hard for J because of his sight. M had a special board that had a sheet of plastic which fit over the worksheets, so he could trace on that. He practiced with spirals, dots, and lines, and he did really well!  After that, we went to their gym and they worked with body scooters. J has issues with the ground moving underneath him (swings, bikes, things of that nature) but he tolerated the game really well, and even tried moving around on his tummy.  K spent the entire time throwing - then retrieving - bean bags.
J was in his element.  He really enjoys the balance beams as well, and the ladders. The first time we ever tried to get him on those, he melted down.  He's come a really long way.
J's ST and OT have decided that he's finally ready for group therapy, probably with just one other child. I'm crazy excited for this. He'll be able to work on both OT and ST at the same time. It'll be really good for him.
We're trying a new approach with the kids.  I believe it's called Peaceful Parenting. We don't get mad. We talk it out. They both respond really badly to anger, and this way seems to be working. They both tantrum way less.
We start Physical Therapy this afternoon!  J has met the PT and seems to like her, so we'll see how that goes. He had a good sleep and a good morning, so I really hope that'll put him in the right frame of mind to try new things. While he does this, I'll be entertaining K and the baby that I'm watching. Fingers crossed for all that it's a good day!
Have a fantastic day!


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